How To Add Tracking Scripts In PluginOps Landing Pages
Adding Tracking scripts (Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel etc.) in your landing pages created by PluginOps Page Builder is very easy. First copy your tracking code from desired provider, In this example I will be adding google analytics & facebook pixel code in landing page. Once you have copied the analytics code open your wordpress dashboard and go to Landing Page Builder >Tracking & Analytics Page. Paste the code here and save changes. Once it is saved all the pages & landing pages created using PluginOps Page Builder will load these scripts in head section. In case […]
Create Better Forms For Your Landing Pages
Every landing page needs a form. Forms on landing pages can be used for collecting emails, receiving user queries, placing orders or making purchases. But one problem most people do when designing a Landing Page is with forms. Sometimes the forms are too long or too short, and sometimes its placement is wrong completely and utterly wrong. In this article I will be showing you the bad examples and good examples of these real problems. Placement The placement can be tricky and can cost you tons of conversions. Designers do not pay attention to placement of main focus of the […]
Build Landing Page With WordPress
Build Landing Page With WordPress Do you have a WordPress website and want to build some landing pages for your marketing campaign ? You might think that you will have to learn HTML or hire some web designer to do create a landing page, But you don’t have to waste weeks of your time and hundreds of dollars because you can build responsive Landing Pages for your marketing campaigns with PluginOps Landing Page Builder plugin. And the best part you can create unlimited landing pages with free version too. A landing page is a page with a purpose to focus […]
What is a Conversion ?
What Is A Conversion ? What is a conversion ? This is the question almost everyone asks when they are stepping into online marketing and working on their first online campaign. A conversion happens when you make a visitor to do some action, This action can be anything from completing a sale to just visiting a page. It completely depends on what you want your visitor to do on your website and when he does it, That’s a Conversion. Why We Use The Term ‘Conversion’ ? In the realm of online marketing using less resources and gaining more outcome is the only […]
Why your sales page is not converting ?
Reasons why your sales page is not converting. It has been days since you launched your first product the traffic is there but no sales these might be the reasons. 1. Targeting wrong people. It is important to know who your customer is, and to direct your advertising to correct people. You may spend all your budget marketing to every other person randomly but the results you will achieve by defining a customer profile and targeting people who fits the profile is far greater than. For example, If you sell sports apparel, It would not be wise to […]
How To Create Full Page Image Slider
How To Create Full Page Image Slider PluginOps Page Builder let you build responsive page with any element. In this tutorial I will show you how you can add responsive full page slider in your pages and landing pages. 1. Add a new row with one column. Click on the add new row button to add a new row and select the column structure for one column only. The reason for selecting one column is that we want to achieve the full width and full height slider and its only possible if the container is full width.2. Set Column Width 100%Edit the […]